
What Most People Really Want

What Most People Really Want

Tips and twists for setting and achieving healthy resolutions.

A Solstice Story

A Solstice Story

Intentions, how fear can factor into our decisions and how love can prevail if we let it.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

A Thanksgiving toast.

Renewing Our Faith In Humanity

Renewing Our Faith In Humanity

Post election reflections and a walking meditation to help us reset.

Equally and Uniquely Valuable

Equally and Uniquely Valuable

How our beliefs affect our reality.

"Do You Want to be Right or Do You Want to be Happy?" That is the Question

"Do You Want to be Right or Do You Want to be Happy?" That is the Question.

What I learned from the School of Hard Knocks and Humble Pie.

Step Away or Push Forward? That Is the Question

Step Away or Push Forward? That Is the Question

The ego speaks first, speaks loudest and talks a good talk, but it rarely leads you anywhere good.

The Stubborn Abscess: If you're hysterical, it's historical

The Stubborn Abscess: If you're hysterical, it's historical

A game-changing concept with a miraculous ending. 

What's My Plank?

What's My Plank?

A humbling concept that can bring a little humor and lightness to an otherwise heavy situation.

Defense Is An Attack Back

Defense Is An Attack Back

Another concept as promised and Happy Easter!

Love or a Call for Love?

Love or a Call for Love?

A concept to share with you and reinforce in me.

Sign, Sign, Mourning Dove’s a Sign

Sign, Sign, Mourning Dove’s a Sign

Happy Valentine's Day!

What's Your Superpower?

What's Your Superpower?

Resolutions are great, but at the end of the day, what most people want is to feel peace in their heart.

2024 Calendar

2024 Calendar

2024 Calendar: Serendipity

Please Forgive Me

Please Forgive Me

Sometimes it takes an experience to gain the wisdom. For those left behind, maybe our lesson is in forgiveness.

What’s In A Name?

What’s In A Name?

Do we choose a name or does the soul find a way to deliver it to us?

Your Ahas Are My Ahas

Your Ahas Are My Ahas

My personal account of connecting with the spirit of a loved one.

Humanity in a Flurry

Humanity in a Flurry

Where does our sense of awe, wonder and enchantment go as we age? How can we bring it back?

Receive, Receive, Receive

Receive, Receive, Receive

Receive is the word I chose for my January calendar photo and here's the story behind it...

Can You Hear The Birds?

Can You Hear The Birds?

I am dedicating this Thanksgiving post to the love of my life, Douglas Whynot.