When You Let Yourself Feel Love
Spirit of Change
We have a choice to brush love off or to breathe it in — and allow it to change us forever.
Spirit of Change
We have a choice to brush love off or to breathe it in — and allow it to change us forever.
Spirit of Change
For the last few years, I’ve been following an eagle family in my spare time. It’s about a 30-minute paddle from where I launch my kayak to their nest. With all the heaviness in the world right now I thought it would be fun to reflect on the reemergence of eagles in my area through my photos. I’ve even recorded them calling to each other.
Spirit of Change
Metaphorically thinking, the macrocosm is a reflection of the microcosm. Personally I think it’s fascinating stuff. My heart goes out to those who are ill, those who have lost loved ones and those on the front line. Their plates are full. But as for the majority of us, we get to ponder: is it really about the pandemic? If society was already sick and this pandemic is the physical manifestation of our ill thinking, how could we help?
Spirit of Change
It’s scary to know that there is a virus out there that we can’t control. My heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones over it. We feel like a captive audience. Fear is also highly contagious — hence the mob scenes at the grocery stores. But it’s what we do with it all that counts. We can feed our fears or use them to forgive and to heal.
Spirit of Change
Finding a new dentist had been on my to-do-list since before my last checkup. But there on my answering machine was a new message—you guessed it—confirming my next cleaning.
Have you ever been meaning to do something yet find yourself putting it off? Or had a project that kept getting carried forward from one to-do-list to the next?
Spirit of Change
I wish this health issue would go away. I wish I were in a relationship. I wish I made more money. Why are some of our wishes more difficult to fulfill than others?
Because some personal goals require radical change. As Einstein reminds us, the definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." If diets haven’t worked, a new way of controlling your caloric intake or expenditure won’t likely work either, because new forms of control are not a radical change. It’s the same old track. Have you ever explored the possibility that maybe it’s not only about the weight? Or the chronic condition? Or the relationship or lack thereof? Or…? Or…? Or…?
Spirit of Change
If the election has you up in arms it could be because you don’t know how to integrate the relationship between the macrocosm and your microcosm. You might be looking at our political candidates from the perspective of what they will do or not do for us, and there is that, but there is also that they reflect who we are, both light and dark.
Spirit of Change
My garden continues to reflect the changes in my life and I take great pleasure in my new freedom.
Bob Olson interviews Dr. Trish on AfterLife TV Channel.
How to Tell the Truth About Love, Spirit of Change Spring 2013 issue
"What impressed me about Dr. Trish Whynot was her natural ability to see through the chaos of life's web and identify the root cause of problems," said Bob Olson, Editor of OfSpirit.com in his interview with Dr. Trish.
~Bob Olson, OfSpirit.com EditorInterview with Gail Cannon in anticipation of The Yoga of Forgiveness workshop at Earthsong Yoga.
Boundary-Asana with a Valentine Twist workshop with Dr. Trish at Earthsong Yoga Studio, Marlboro, MA
The Olson Interviews: Do you believe that we can use meditation as a method for spirit communication?
~Bob Olson, OfSpirit.com editorI had been struggling with an issue for about seven years that I was beginning to think I might never overcome. So I went to see a counselor named Dr. Trish Whynot who specializes in personal transformation, self-healing, and self-empowerment.
~Bob Olson, OfSpirit.com editorExperience of a Crystal Reading by a North Shore Community College Student