I have an interesting little Valentine story about signs for you. I'm just learning about these types of signs myself.
I get together with a group of extraordinary women to eat, chat, craft and laugh during the colder months. I'm so grateful for them. This week was my turn to host. I chose the week closest to Valentine's Day, intentionally. My craft these days is photography. I've been pulling out my favorite butterfly and dragonfly photos to make magnetic bookmarks in anticipation. It brings me joy to give a little something away on the day that celebrates my favorite subject, love.
When I was at the grocery store picking up the ingredients to make an egg casserole there were so many flowers in anticipation of the holiday. I had been thinking about getting roses for the ladies so I pulled out my phone to see what color rose symbolizes friendship. I found yellow to be the official color. I was staring at 2 bouquets of 6. Honestly, in the moment I thought that odd, but at the same time, perfect!
I was excited to be surprising everyone with a rose and a bookmark for Valentine’s Day. When attending to a few last minute details I heard a mourning dove cooing. I looked out the window and found it perched on the railing. “How interesting.” I needed to take the pups out one more time before everyone arrived so I didn’t give it anymore thought.
We had a delightful visit. The pups were well behaved. Well, Theo craftily lived up to his middle name, Bandit, but that’s for another story. The roses were surprisingly fragrant. I thought that odd too but didn’t think further of it until one of my friends commented on it as well. Everyone left with a skip in their step as we always do after our time together.
While out for an afternoon stroll with the pups my thoughts went back to the mourning dove. That it landed right outside my window was odd. I know them to be a sign that a deceased loved one is near. I’ve lost my mother, father, aunt, uncle, Doug and most recently my cat in the last 6 years. What was the message for me, I wondered? A few minutes later I had a picture of Doug acknowledging how grateful he is that I have these wonderful friends in my life. This thought warmed my heart even more than it already was. Maybe knowing I'm cared for helped him to be at peace as well.
We can’t make signs happen. I wish we could, but love cannot be commanded. Because it happened to me doesn’t mean that I am special either. Signs like this can easily be missed or dismissed when we’re busy. I almost dismissed this sign myself. I’m glad I went back to it.
I had been thinking fondly about Doug when I saw all the flowers in the grocery store and when I dusted off the plaque he gave me on our last Valentine’s Day together. It says, “Grow old with me… the best is yet to be.” What happened after that was far from the “grow old” we had anticipated. That’s for certain. Could the 2 bouquets of yellow roses amidst dozens of bouquets that were mixed and the exceptional fragrance be Doug’s doing? Signs that he was near as well?
I trust that someday it will all make sense. For now, I’m learning to communicate in new ways and what I sense as "odd" seems to be a sign. I had wanted for us to learn Italian and go to Italy. Well… hmm… maybe the essence is the same. We’re learning the language of love together. I’d like to think the plaque still holds true in the ways of the heart.
What I am discovering about love with him on the other side has been pretty incredible. It's helping couples I work with who are going through their own rough patches too. Hmm… the essence of our love is living on in other relationships. That is pretty beautiful.
If you're looking for me on Valentine's Day, following coffee with Doug you'll likely find me handing out bookmarks when not in session. Maybe I'll experience a sign in my travels. Hope you enjoyed my story.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Friends in this Love,
What a beautiful gift, and a beautiful sign. Sending love to you, dear Trish. Glad you have a good circle of friends, so important.
Thank you for writing and for the love. It means a lot. Friends are a treasure.
Hope all is well in your world.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Your writing always touches my heart and makes me ponder. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for letting me know. Your words touched my heart. You are most welcome. Thank you for commenting.
Friends in this Love,
Beautiful story. Always love reading about your adventures. Thank you and Happy Valentine’s Day.
Thank you Karen and thank you for taking the time to comment. It inspires me to keep sharing.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Beautiful, Patrish, I loved it.
Thanks for commenting, Phyl! Glad you liked it!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Good read! Thank you for sharing.
You are most welcome, Amber!
Thank you for taking the time to comment.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Trish, thank you for sharing this beautiful story. It's a wonderful reminder that our loved ones are always nearby.
Isn't it comforting! I'm glad you enjoyed my story and thank you for sharing your takeaway.
Happy Belated Valentine's Day!
Thank you so much for sharing that Inspiring Beautiful Story. The power of Love from above and Beyond is so Beautiful and Appreciated. Again Thank You and Happy Valentines Day! Keep Writing the inspiring Quotes and Stories.
"The power of Love from above and Beyond is so Beautiful and Appreciated." Beautifully stated!
One of my desires for 2024 is to write more so thanks for the initiative and thank you for taking the time to comment. Comments touch my heart.
Friends in this Love,
Thank you so much for sharing this. Symbolism is so often overlooked yet so important to us as human beings. As always, you have touched important chords in my life and brought up reflections of those who have gone through the doorway.
Perhaps someday you will have some of those beautiful photos of flowers and birds available on Etsy or through here for those of us who cherish the beauty of nature.
Hi Cherune!
You are most welcome. Thank you for commenting.
I'm always delighted to hear how my sentiments touch you. I will keep your suggestion in mind regarding my photos. You'll be the first to know. I do put together a calendar every year and I do have some of the photos printed as postcard sized magnets. I used to sell them before the pandemic so thanks for putting a bug in my ear.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Friends in this Love,
Hi Cherune!
Thank you for commenting. I'm always delighted to hear how my sentiments touch you. I will keep your suggestion in mind regarding my photos. You'll be the first to know. I do put together a calendar every year and I do have some of the photos printed as postcard sized magnets. I used to sell them before the pandemic so thanks for putting a bug in my ear.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Friends in this Love,
Love, Trish. Always in and around us, if we pay attention. Thanks.
Perfectly stated! Love your takeaway!
Thanks for making the time to comment.
Friends in this Love,
Thanks Trish. Always lovely to hear from you. What an absolutely wonderful shot of you and Doug. Remembering the joy.
Thanks Diana. I know, I love that photo. Always nice to hear from you as well.
Friends in this Love,
What a beautiful story! You are so truly blessed as I am blessed to have met you!
It takes me a while before I take the time to read some of the emails that I receive and know are special to me; however, I always get there right when I truly need to read them! Love Spirit! :-)
Keep watching for those signs as will I!
Many Blessings and beautiful days!
Awe, you are so kind. I'm glad you enjoyed my story and thanks for letting me know about the divine timing of your reading.
Thank you for taking the time to comment. It is nice hearing from you.
Bright blessings and love,