How To Get There From Here

How To Get There From Here

If 9/11 cracked you open then you will agree that today is a perfect day to talk about Opening to Love.

If an abundance of hatred could manifest such terror, then think about what an abundance of love could manifest. If opening to Love is something that you are already aligning with then you have experienced glimmers of the abundance I am talking about. If the concept of opening to Love has you curious then keep reading…

Opening to Love opens you to enchantment—to a destination, solution or resolution you couldn’t otherwise wrap your mind around. When open to Love you are open to win-win solutions.

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." ~ ACIM

If you can dream a desire you can have it. All you have to do is seek and your barriers will show up for you to address along the way. Focus on what you do want even if you can’t picture it and a bridge from where you are to where you want to be or at least to your first barrier may appear seemingly out of nowhere.

Once your barriers are removed, (all the things you think, say and do when it doesn’t feel safe to be you) Love, in all its shapes and forms, will organically find its way to you. Love can only trickle when there are protective barriers in its way.

In my belief opening to Love is the most fundamental of desires. Once mastered your open to anything your heart desires just because you desire it. It is a lifelong pursuit but the rewards are far reaching. 

If you’ve been busy trying to prevent what you don’t want, turn around, the bridge to what you do want is unveiling.

Friends in this Love,

Dr. Trish


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