When our world turns upside down it offers us a new perspective.

When our world turns upside down it offers us a new perspective.

When our world turns upside down it is easy to slip into the victim-perspective.

Can you relate?

But victim is so disempowering. I know, I have spent quality time there in the past and nothing valuable has ever emerged from it. 

So what is the alternative? you might be wondering.

The opportunity-perspective.

When I would look for meaning ... to expect for there to be value buried within my circumstances ... I would find it. And not only would life right itself, but it would better itself. I would emerge from the upside down happier and more whole than I could have ever been had I not gone there. It wasn't bad ... damn uncomfortable sometimes ... but rich with humbling opportunity.

Next time you find yourself in a vulnerable position...

Try looking for the opportunity to live more, love more and be loved more because of it. 

As the Serenity Prayer implies ...

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Enjoy the journey!


  1. Sharlyn Menard says:

    Thanks for the reflection!

    1. Trish Whynot says:

      You are very welcome, Sharlyn!

      Thank you for posting!


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