Forgiveness is the Bridge from Separation to Oneness

Forgiveness is the Bridge from Separation to Oneness

You may be familiar with the phrase "be the better person," in regards to forgiveness. But being the better person can only serve to create further separation.

No one who feels good about themselves goes around hurting others. And some actions are unforgivable. But when we can acknowledge that our pain has spilled over onto others and caused harm in our ignorance too, we experience oneness. From here, we can forgive what is necessary to set us free, pursue education to avoid causing future harm to others, and in the process, eventually, organically, ward off future encounters of harm from others.

As one of my spiritual teachers once shared,

"Enlightenment doesn't mean your car will never break down, but if it does, you'll be close to a gas station."
~ Unknown.

Forgiveness is a journey. It can be complex and multifaceted in some cases. But encounters will cease to have the emotional charge they once had when we seek forgiveness as a bridge to oneness.

Let me know if I can be of assistance in your search for oneness.

Friends in this Love,
Dr. Trish


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