
Deeper Intimacy or Personal Satisfaction—What do you choose?

Deeper Intimacy or Personal Satisfaction—What do you choose?

The truth a relationship thrives on lies just beyond the world of right and wrong. The fruit that comes from digging deeper is delicious and nutritious to the heart and soul. To follow is an example of the deeper intimacy to which it leads. 

Don’t Shush The Chickens

Don’t Shush The Chickens

Miranda had manifested a job for herself that fulfilled all her desires—it honored her working style, worked around her family’s schedules, the hours were flexible, she could work from home, it was financially rewarding, and her superiors respected and cared about her.

She was in awe of her circumstances except for one thing.

Ooooh That Zen

Ooooh That Zen

My tribute to a dear friend.

This morning I was cutting back my daisies that had gone past. I suppose I could have done it earlier but I just think there is something Zen about allowing a flower to run its course. Some might see the latter stages as unsightly; I was even curious about the prospect myself. You might look at my garden and wonder … untended? But I just saw the dying as a part of the cycle of life that has me curious this year. Maybe next year I’ll cut my daisies back earlier? Who knows?

During my cutting I inquired of the garden, “Why did I wait?” The answer I got was quite Zen...

How Did Your Sh!t Hop The Fence?

How Did Your Sh!t Hop The Fence?

When I think of boundaries I think of my desires, not my defenses. I haven’t always thought of boundaries this way but when I do it serves me quite miraculously. Rather than protect myself from the 'negativity' I am attracting, I’d rather understand why I have attracted it in the first place.

Have I Forgiven?

Have I Forgiven?

Forgiveness is a gift to the one who forgives.

Have you ever thought you had forgiven someone until the subject came up and you realized it still had an emotional charge?

Coffee, crystals and empowerment: what’s the connection?

Coffee, crystals and empowerment: what’s the connection?

I hope you can draw from this story of my relationship with coffee as inspiration toward utilizing your own dependency or codependency as the fuel toward empowerment that it can be.

Unknowingly Dishonest Methodologies

Unknowingly Dishonest Methodologies

Unknowingly dishonest methodologies may lead to health problems, relationship discord and financial challenges. Fortunately the methodologies are pretty simple to remedy.

(The following is not a substitute but an adjunct for medical diagnosis and/or treatment.)
Every day is a miracle; some just stand out more than others

Every day is a miracle; some just stand out more than others

"Every day is a miracle; some just stand out more than others." ~Trish Whynot

New Year's Resolutions That Stick

New Year's Resolutions That Stick

You’ve got a goal. You hit the ground running. But as the days accrue your efforts diminish.

Sound familiar?

Are you wondering, "How can this year be different?"

Mind Your P's and Boundaries

Mind Your P's and Boundaries

My fascination with boundaries began in my childhood when I would get blamed for how my parents were feeling. In an exasperated moment my mother once said, “I hope you have a child just like you.” God presented me with 3 opportunities for restitution.  It's true; third time is a charm. 

“Life can only be understood backwards but it must be lived forward.” ~Søren Kierkegaard

Burst-Of-Color Days Are Life-Altering

Burst-Of-Color Days Are Life-Altering

“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.” ~Rabindranath Tagore

Those burst-of-color days are the ones that change the course of my life. If the change is positive or negative is based on my choice to be more or less...

How To Get There From Here

How To Get There From Here

If 9/11 cracked you open then you will agree that today is a perfect day to talk about Opening to Love.

If an abundance of hatred could manifest such terror, then think about what an abundance of love could manifest. If opening to Love is something that you are already aligning with then you have experienced glimmers of the abundance I am talking about. If the concept of Opening to Love has you curious then keep reading…

Into The Light We Go

Into The Light We Go

In order to be in the light you have to be willing to step out of the shade. ~Trish Whynot

Have you ever found yourself hugging the shade? It happens and we often don't even realize we're doing it...

The Artist I Am

The Artist I Am

The Artist I Am

by Trish Whynot

Each morning my canvas is blank...


Do you want to be a martyr or do you want to expect your highest desires? You must choose.

Do you want to be a martyr or do you want to expect your highest desires?

One of life's big choices: Do you want to be a martyr or do you want to expect your highest desires? You must choose.

Ready to Crack? Tantrums Aren't Just For Kids

Ready To Crack? Tantrums Aren't Just For Kids

There are times when I even want to throw in the towel on life. Sometimes it’s just not going the way I pictured and I just want to be like a little kid and have a temper tantrum.

When I feel this way it reminds me of a client who came to me several years back. We’ll call him Dan and his daughter Emily for confidentiality’s sake. Dan was at this ‘breaking point’ because his 8 year-old daughter was having tantrums...

Can You Spare 3 Minutes?

Can You Spare 3 Minutes?

The beginning of June I visited my dear friend Bree Ervin. We got to talking about 3-minute-meditations. My story clearly impacted her because she not only put them into practice in her own life but she blogged about them too...

It's Solstice Time

It's Solstice Time

This Friday, June 21st is the Summer Solstice--the longest day of the year and a powerful time for intention setting...

Are Your Methods for "Doing Unto Others" Backfiring?

Are Your Methods for "Doing Unto Others" Backfiring?

Are your efforts to not hurt the feelings of others hurting them worse while, at the same time, rendering you untrustworthy?

There has been an epidemic of people suffering from the repercussions of their efforts to spare another's feelings lately...

Boundaries are...

Boundaries are...

"Boundaries are where our generosity ends and another's responsibility begins." ~Trish Whynot